Yaskawa's MP2600iec motion controller provides motion control of 1 or 1.5 axis along with machine control. The controller extends the MP product family, which now includes three controllers covering the range from 1 to 16 axes. The MP2600iec machine controller supports all five IEC61131-3 programming languages: Ladder Diagram, Function Block, Structured Text, Sequential Function Chart and Instruction List. The Function Block language provides execution of MotionWorks PLCopen function blocks. These pre-programmed blocks provide all of the standard functionality required for most motion control applications, eliminating the need for custom programming. Interface to automation, monitoring and control systems external to the machine are provided by the discrete and analog I/O, or via the EtherNet/IP and Modbus/TCP digital networks. An optional OPC server allows for the transfer of real time data over Ethernet from the machine process to the factory network. The MP2600iec motion controller also includes full Web server capability, allowing access to the controller from any standard web browser.