Control Editorial submission guidelines

Editorial submission guidelines

CONTROL accepts submissions of products, news releases, case studies, articles and white papers that are relevant to control engineers who build control and automated systems for continuous process in the processing industries.

Case studies and articles

All case studies and articles must be original and exclusive, meaning they have never appeared anywhere else online or in print. Control will have first rights to publish and 90 days of exclusivity. All stories must be written by a person or persons and must include the name, job title, a high-resolution photo and contact email address of any person listed as the author. The byline/author’s job title must NOT be in marketing or PR or communications.

Vendor/supplier-authored submissions

 If the byline is from a person at a vendor/supplier, then our policy is to publish only under the “Other Voices” umbrella in print and online. However, we still require exclusivity, and it may not be published elsewhere online or in print for 90 days thereafter. Vendor-written articles also may not include any mention of the vendor's own products or services by name.

Technical and educational

Articles should always be technical or educational in nature and address the interests of our engineering readers. We do not publish marketing pieces. Articles should never compare new products/technologies with existing technologies, where the intent is to point out the shortcomings of the existing technology to put the new one in a better light. Mentions of "inferior" existing technologies will be deleted from articles.

Research and statistics

Do not include references to research or statistics, unless that information is critical to the article. Numbers included to establish a market size or to impress the reader with their size are typically deleted in the editing process, as they typically add nothing of value to the article. Research or statistics that make predictions also are typically removed. If numbers or statistics are relevant and critical to the article, please be sure to provide a link to the original source material for the research/statistics, so it can be verified and included.

Case studies

All submitted case studies must have an end-user or system integrator byline, or, as typical, are turned into original content by Control’s editors. Please send case studies and articles as Word documents to Editor-in-Chief Len Vermillion at [email protected].

Photos and graphics

We encourage you to include high-resolution photos or graphics that you own copyright to, which can be published with the article or case study. All photos must have a source line. We also require a high-resolution headshot photo of the author. Do not embed photos or graphics in the article. Attach them separately. Please indicate potential photo captions in the Word document. There is no deadline or word count for submissions.

Regarding the capitalization of company or brand names

If the name or part of the name is an acronym, please provide the full name that the acronym stands for. It is our editorial style to capitalize the letters of an acronym only. For all other company and brand names, only the first letter of the name is capitalized, just like all other proper nouns.

Editorial calendar topics

If you are interested in participating in any editorial calendar topics, please let us know which ones, and we will be happy to add you to the list of potential contacts.

New product submissions

We accept all appropriate product submissions. Please submit your product release/description in a Word document format, with a separately attached high-resolution product photo, to [email protected] and [email protected]. Please do not submit PDF files and do not send links for information that must be downloaded or accessed on a website.

News releases

 News releases should be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]. Please send news items with appropriate release for publication.

White papers

White papers require a person, not a company, listed as the author. Please include the name of the white paper, the name and job title of the author and a one-paragraph explanation/summary of what the white paper discusses.