Figure 1: Tower pressure drop measurement
Flowmeter engineering is intertwined with deep understanding of process, process behavior, operational ranges, process thermodynamics, and flow system engineering as to what is the objective, for example, custody transfer, process control or flow indication as the questions indicate. Instrumentation engineering is applied science, requiring more knowledge than just transmitters and orifice plates.
On question 1, your transmitter leg on the high side is very long compared to the low side, and because of this the effect of the fluid thermal expansion/contraction in the impulse line has a potential of giving you this error. As you know, the coefficient of thermal expansion varies by the cube of the expansion coefficient. Insulation of the impulse tubes may help—my suggestion would be to use capillary filled tubes of equal length on both sides, low and high side. Make sure the capillary lengths of both legs are the same, and are exposed to the same ambient condition. One leg should not be in shade and the other in sun, because we want to negate the thermal effects. The capillary should eliminate the effect of phase changes etc. so it would give a more accurate measurement.
On question 2, here, using a Pitot tube is wrong, because of its limitations on rangability or flow turndown. In most flare header lines, because of the EPA regulations, an ultrasonic meter is used, however, you have to compensate it with composition analyzer, pressure and temperature to get accurate measurement of flare gases. You mention a temperature range of -20 to 250 C. The high temperature is not suitable for ultrasonic sensors. On the low side, you may want to contact Flexim, which supplies cryogenic ultrasonic flowmeters and may be able to add cooling extension plates between the sensor and pipe to make it also suitable for your high temperature. Multiple thermal mass flowmeters for varying temperature conditions may be another option, but accuracy would suffer. I am not sure what can handle the high side of your temperature range.
On question 3, variation in composition and range from (pilot flow to max flow) is a daunting task for any flowmeter. Most people settle for ultrasonic flow, however, for results to be meaningful you would need a composition measurement, which could be expensive. Orifice is a wrong for this application if you need high accuracy and wide turndown (orificce plate is 3:1). Your best bet is an ultrasonic flwometer with pressure and temperature compensation.
Romel S. Bhullar, senior technical director, Fluor Corp.
[email protected]
On question 1, since the low pressure side of the dp cell is connected to the pressure tap at the top of the column, it is recommended that the cell itself be located above that point so that this low side will be self draining back into the top outlet pipe. With this configuration, the high pressure side of the dp cell will have a very lead line connecting it to the pressure tap at the bottom of the column inlet pipe. Depending on the thermal insulation used on the lead lines and on the temperatures of the process streams at the in and outlets of the column, there might be condensation in these tubes, which might introduce some errors. Yet, this configuration is still better than locating the dp cell down at the level of the inlet pipe, because then the lead line to the low side will not be self draining, but can fill and if it does, that side will become the high pressure side. In any case you may need to recalibrate the transmitter.
On question 2, the biggest issue here is that generally flare gases have a mixture of products so the density variations as well as moisture content can affect the measurement. I would recommend a Coriolis meter in case you want precise measurements (see Micro Motion ELITE Coriolis Flow and Density Meters). A Pitot tube will not give you better than 3:1 rangeability and even than, density compensation will be needed. That can be obtained by periodic lab testing.
Alex (Alejandro) Varga, project & construction management, Devco
[email protected]