Source: MRPL
Brave poker players go āall inā to show their confidenceĀ in their cards. Equally bold process engineersĀ demonstrate similar commitment when they implementĀ steadily increasing ratios of advanced digitalĀ communication protocols like HART, WirelessHARTĀ and FOUNDATION Fieldbus. However, only an eliteĀ few go on to claim the FieldComm Groupās annualĀ Plant of the Year Award, and earn the much-deservedĀ recognition that goes with being a leading adopter ofĀ FieldComm protocols and technologies.This yearās winner, Mangalore Refinery andĀ Petrochemicals Ltd. (MRPL), exhibitsĀ all these qualities, but itās also noteworthy becauseĀ itās the first recipient from India, and represents theĀ nationās burgeoning oil, gas and petrochemical sectorĀ thatās been rapidly securing a preeminent placeĀ on the worldwide stage. MRPLās staff reports itsĀ ādo things betterā culture inspires it to be a pioneerĀ and frontrunner in hydrocarbon processing, adoptĀ digital communications for process control, andĀ continuously strive for more effective utilization ofĀ its resources and facilities. MRPL jumps wholeheartedlyĀ into everything it does, including implementingĀ FieldComm Group solutions.
Established in 1995, MRPL is a 15 million tonnesĀ per annum (MMTPA) oil and gas refinery locatedĀ on 1,550 acres in Mangalore, Karnataka state, on theĀ west coast of India. Itās part of Indiaās state-ownedĀ Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC), a NavaratnaĀ Nine Precious Gems) company, and its full range ofĀ products include liquid petroleum gas, Motor SpiritĀ (gasoline), High Speed diesel gas and oil, kerosene,Ā aviation turbine fuel, naphtha, coke, polypropylene,Ā fuel oil, bitumen, sulfur and others. It also suppliesĀ raw materials such as naphtha and mixed xylenes toĀ ONCG Mangalore Petrochemicals Ltd. (OMPL),Ā which is a 0.9-MMTPA joint-venture petrochemicalĀ facility by ONGC and MRPL that started operationsĀ in 2014. OMPL is completely built on digital technologyĀ including FOUNDATION Fieldbus for processĀ
Striding into fieldbus
MRPL started its journey into FieldComm GroupĀ technologies in 2005, when it installed all-digital communicationsĀ on its isomerization unit. This projectĀ included implementing all process control loops withĀ FOUNDATION Fieldbus with control in the fieldĀ (CIF) functions, as well as HART transmitters used inĀ its safety instrumented systems (SIS). On the strengthĀ of this success, MRPL raised the stakes in 2012 by alsoĀ commissioning more than 10 process units, cogenerationĀ plant and utilities at its 3-MMTPA refinery withĀ FOUNDATION Fieldbus, HART and WirelessHART.Ā Theyāre also MRPLās default process control protocols forĀ future upgrades and added capacity projects.
āWe had experience with digital protocols suchĀ as DE, Brain and HART since MRPLās inception inĀ 1995, and also used TRL/2 bus for tank gauging sinceĀ then,ā says Basavarajappa Sudarshan, chief generalĀ manager for electrical and instrumentation at MRPLĀ and project team leader. āWe learned about FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus on the Internet and from suppliers.Ā Its advantages included less cabling needed andĀ a smaller footprint in the plantās Yokogawa DCS inĀ terms of I/O, panels and rack space required.
āThis led us to seek acceptance from MRPL managementĀ for an upgrade including interoperability of fieldĀ devices. We visited with major DCS suppliers, and didĀ many interoperability tests during four to six weeks inĀ 2004 to resolve concerns and anxiety about such a newĀ installation. This is how we introduced FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus in our new isomerization plant in 2005, whichĀ made MRPL the first company in India to constructĀ a hydrocarbon process unit using entirely FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus for closed-loop process control.ā
Convincing workers
Beyond determining the technical advantages of FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus and other FieldComm GroupĀ technologies, Sudarshan reports that he and his team hadĀ to convince colleagues, including operators and managersĀ at MRPL, that migrating to digital communicationsĀ would be worthwhile and wouldnāt hinder operations.
Other core team members included: Suryanarayana, chiefĀ project manager; Ganesh Bhat, chief instrumentationĀ manager; Allen John, senior instrumentation manager;Ā Muralidhara Karanth, instrumentation manager, andĀ Deepthi K.M., assistant instrumentation manager, whoĀ added to the discussion about MRPLās successful use ofĀ FieldComm Group technologies.
āWe ensured participation of everyone concerned likeĀ C&I, projects and process operations in discussions andĀ technical presentations,ā explains Sudarshan. āIn 2005,Ā technicians with experience with conventional DCSĀ and field devices took some time to understand the newĀ digital technology. However, with guidance from ourĀ field device and other suppliers, they were trained on theĀ job, and quickly streamlined use of FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus, which was initiated during pre-commissioning.Ā The team had no issues in adopting the technology.ā
Sudarshan also credits MRPL management withĀ giving his team and other staffers the crucial supportĀ they needed to evaluate, design, test and implementĀ HART, WirelessHART and FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus into their process applications. āManagementĀ gave us a lot of freedom, which enabled our excellentĀ people on the forefront of these projects to be open toĀ FOUNDATION Fieldbus,ā says Sudarshan. āManyĀ were skeptical about these digital technologies, so theyĀ were first teased and tried on non-critical, open loopsĀ before being used on closed loops. Once users andĀ managers got more confident, we were able to takeĀ everything forward.ā
Big moves = Big rewards
Consequently, MRPL reports that adopting FieldComm Group and other digital technologies onĀ entire process units allowed its installed equipment toĀ achieve versatility and performance gains faster thanĀ if it had implemented them in small increments. SoĀ far, the refinery has tested and installed digital devicesĀ and functions for almost all of its various applications,Ā from simple DP measurement to complex analyzersĀ and nucleonic level measurement. At present, digitalĀ device deployments at MRPL include:
ā¢ More than 3,000 FOUNDATION fieldbusĀ segments using several concepts, includingĀ FISCO, FNICO, FISCO ic and HPT. ManyĀ applicable FOUNDATION Fieldbus interfaces,Ā diagnostics components and junction boxesĀ were supplied by Pepperl+Fuchs, which alsoĀ furnishes temperature multiplexers.
ā¢ More than 35,000 total devices, including moreĀ than 9,000 FOUNDATION Fieldbus andĀ 5,000 HART components.
ā¢ Developing its CIF potential, more than 75% ofĀ valve positioners at MRPL employ FOUNDATIONĀ Fieldbus. These include 1,500 with FOUNDATION Fieldbus and 450 with HART. PrimaryĀ positioner suppliers are Metso and Emerson.
ā¢ Nearly 70% of the refineryās more than 10,000Ā other transmitters for pressure, radar level andĀ Coriolis mass flow use FOUNDATION Fieldbus,Ā while the rest use HART. Emerson, Honeywell,Ā and Yokogawa are the primary suppliers ofĀ these devices.
ā¢ More than 215 motor-operated valves (MOV)Ā and controls at MRPLās Phase 3 cogenerationĀ power plant also employ FOUNDATION Fieldbus. Theyāre supplied by Rotork, and deliverĀ as many as seven parameters each, which reducedĀ I/O, cabling and footprint requirements by 80%Ā and saved $415,000.
Sudarshan reports that FieldComm GroupĀ technologies generate savings for MRPL in a varietyĀ of ways. āWe achieved an average savings of 50% onĀ I/O, cabling and installation costs for new projects,āĀ he says. āThereās an average savings of 15 minutes perĀ month per valve in terms of preventive maintenance,Ā which results in an average savings of 55 man days perĀ month in applications with digital valve positioners. InĀ addition, we get early detection of failures in devicesĀ that had no preventive maintenance plans before diagnostic-enabled devices were available. Though theseĀ particular benefits canāt be quantified in terms of costĀ savings, theyāve nonetheless improved refinery uptime.Ā Thanks to all these gains, weāve saved approximatelyĀ $6.6 million compared to project costs that take intoĀ account added costs of conventional I/O and cablingĀ compared to FOUNDATION Fieldbus.ā
Less downtime, more efficiency
Muralidhara Karanth says there have been severalĀ other specific instances where FieldComm GroupĀ technology has improved operations, prevented downtime,Ā or enabled other gains. These events include:
ā¢ Avoided shutting down a sour water strippingĀ unit during a DCS upgrade in 2016 by usingĀ FOUNDATION Fieldbus, which allowed MPLĀ to take the DCS controller offline while the unitĀ continued running. Key parameters were monitoredĀ through local indicators, controllers wereĀ left in normal mode, and the unit ran normallyĀ without disturbances until the upgrade was done.
ā¢ Using HART pass-through I/O modules in DCSĀ and safety systems delivers the added advantageĀ of mapping critical secondary and tertiary parametersĀ from HART devices to the DCS for betterĀ operation and maintenance. Critical inputs fromĀ HART devices like control valve position feedbackĀ from valve positioners, density from CoriolisĀ mass flowmeters, and cell temperature from pressureĀ transmitters can be mapped to the DCS.
ā¢ Wireless DP transmitters are cost-effectivelyĀ achieving required backup tank level measurementsĀ and better process visibility in the shortestĀ possible time by installing HART gateways andĀ signal repeaters in the tank farm. This solutionĀ is also used for control valve leak detection viaĀ acoustic transmitters, and MRPL has made itĀ mandatory to use WirelessHART in upcomingĀ refinery units for applications like pump sealĀ monitoring, control valve leak detection, etc.
ā¢ More intelligent field devices and the YokogawaĀ PRM asset management system (AMS) haveĀ redefined the preventive maintenance techniquesĀ and enabled advancedĀ diagnostics. For example,Ā critical control valves are monitored regularly byĀ the AMS, valve signatures are captured duringĀ turnarounds and corrective actions are taken. InĀ addition, valve position feedback is integrated toĀ valve control function blocks, which allows betterĀ tuning of control loops and diagnostics. FOUNDATION Fieldbus physical layer health is testedĀ regularly with DTM-based diagnostic tools andĀ corrections are performed. Also, MRPL is inĀ the process of making a preventive maintenanceĀ template based on the NAMUR NE107 standard.
ā¢ Because FCC reactor instrument nozzles in slurryĀ service are prone to choking with catalyst, criticalĀ delta pressure transmitters are used for actuatingĀ shutdown on low pressure. To better detectĀ plugged impulse lines, Emerson supplied 3051SĀ transmitters with Advanced Diagnostics SuiteĀ software. MRPL tested this solution in sampleĀ applications, and is in the process of extendingĀ them throughout the unit.
ā¢ Available valve position feedback indication improvedĀ unit operation. In 2017, a failing actuator inĀ a PSA purge gas valve was identified by valve positionerĀ diagnostics, which averted a potential hydrogenĀ unit shutdown. Breakdown of this valve wouldĀ have brought down MRPLās diesel hydrotreater unitĀ for 72 hours. Fuel and energy loss for startup andĀ shutdown of the hydrogen unitĀ alone would have cost $60,000.
āUsing open standards lets us integrateĀ smart instruments throughoutĀ the entire plant, includingĀ extensive use of HART in our safetyĀ systems that enable capabilities likeĀ partial stroke testing, as well as CIFĀ from FOUNDATION FieldbusĀ that lets us operate even with theĀ loss of critical hardwareāgiving ourĀ team peace of mind,ā says Suryanarayana.Ā āIn 2016, we were able toĀ keep the refinery process runningĀ during that DCS upgrade, whichĀ would have resulted in a productionĀ loss conservatively estimated atĀ $800,000 without CIF.ā
Suryanarayana adds that MRPLĀ benefited greatly from adoptingĀ digital technology during its earlyĀ stage, and achieved considerableĀ savings in commissioning time,Ā improved process visibility, reducedĀ DCS footprint, and simple, effectiveĀ maintenance practices thanks toĀ better utilization of device diagnostics.Ā āFOUNDATION fieldbusĀ physical layer diagnostic tools haveĀ simplified our diagnostic proceduresĀ and improved the uptime of theĀ process units,ā he explains. āInnovativeĀ techniques, like carryingĀ out FOUNDATION FieldbusĀ loop checking using device display,Ā segment-wise device commissioning,Ā etc., reduced pre-commissioningĀ time and required resources.āĀ Likewise, availability of multipleĀ parameters from single instrumentsĀ and getting the values to the operatorsĀ has improved quality of processĀ operations and ease of maintenance.
Ganesh Bhat, who worked forĀ OMPL from its conceptualizationĀ stage in 2007 until its constructionĀ stage in 2011 on deputationĀ from MRPL, reports that OMPLāsĀ Aromatic complex that producesĀ paraxylene and benzene has alsoĀ completely adopted FieldCommĀ Group technology. āThis greenfieldĀ petrochemical (aromatics)Ā complex of OMPL didnāt face anyĀ difficulty in plant commissioningĀ with FOUNDATION FieldbusĀ and HART,ā says Bhat. āThey useĀ all FOUNDATION Fieldbus andĀ HART features for predictive andĀ preventive maintenance, and theseĀ technologies also make their maintenanceĀ tasks easier and simpler.ā
Sudarshan adds, āOverall, thereāsĀ been a paradigm shift in howĀ instrumentation maintenance hasĀ been carried out ever since MRPLĀ introduced FOUNDATION FieldbusĀ into its process units in 2005. ForĀ instance, breakdown maintenanceĀ calls are converted to predictiveĀ maintenance, and preventive maintenanceĀ activity has been shiftedĀ to the control room from formerĀ routine, manpower-intensive fieldĀ visits. The biggest advantage of smartĀ devices is the self diagnostics of theĀ devices. Theyāve been tapped to avertĀ breakdowns due to instrumentationĀ failure, and this increased on-streamĀ availability of the whole refinery.ā
Other users catch on
Sudarshan adds that many of IndiaāsĀ other major industrial manufacturersĀ have been observing and joining itsĀ digitalization initiative movement inĀ increasing numbers.
āOnce it became known thatĀ weād implemented FOUNDATION Fieldbus, HART andĀ WirelessHART, and were reapingĀ considerable benefits, representativesĀ from other Indian refineries approachedĀ us, and since then, many ofĀ them have started using FieldCommĀ Group technologies, too,ā adds Sudarshan.Ā āIn fact, anyone who readsĀ our story is welcome to visit MRPLĀ for a detailed discussion on usingĀ FieldComm technologies.ā
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