Sharpen your process automation and system integration know-how at ISA's NEW boot camp — part of the ISA Automation Engineering Survival Training Series:
Automation Engineering Survival Training: Integrator Version (AESTIV):
ISA's new Automation Engineering Survival Training: Integrator Version (AESTIV), designed specifically for system integrators, focuses on concepts important to automation engineers and others involved in a project design and commissioning role. This unique process automation engineering experience is designed to hone your process automation knowledge and skills.
Who Should Attend?
- New automation, control system, or process control engineers working for system integrators
- Seasoned system integration engineers looking to refresh their process automation skills
- Automation engineers wishing to move into a career as a system integrator
You Will Cover:
- Measurement and Documentation
- Control Valves, Control Strategies, and Loop Tuning
- Advanced Control: Operator Effectiveness & Safety Systems
- Industrial Security & Project Management
- Advanced Process Automation
Location, Date:
ISA Headquarters
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
August 4-8
Click here to learn more and enroll yourself, your co-workers, and/or your employees.
Reference promo code AESTIV14 when you register.