Yokogawa CENTUM VP R6.03 integrated production control system

May 20, 2016
CENTUM CS, CENTUM CS 1000 and CENTUM CS 3000 systems can be upgraded to Yokogawa’s latest system offering, CENTUM VP.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has announced that it has developed CENTUM VP® R6.03, a new version of the company’s integrated production control system with enhanced functionality. It will release June 1, 2016. With the functional enhancements provided in R6.03, CENTUM CS, CENTUM CS 1000 and CENTUM CS 3000 systems can be upgraded to Yokogawa’s latest system offering, CENTUM VP.

CENTUM VP R6.03 was developed to ensure quick and smooth system upgrades. According to Yokogawa, the features provided in R6.03 will make it possible for users of CENTUM CS (released in 1992), CENTUM CS 1000 (releaseed in 1977) and CENTUM CS 3000 (released in 1998) systems to quickly and smoothly upgrade to CENTUM VP. With R6.03, the CENTUM VP input/output (IO) device and application programs have been modified to improve compatibility with CENTUM CS, CENTUM CS 1000 and CENTUM CS 3000 hardware and software. According to Yokogawa, in the development of CENTUM VP, the following four innovations were emphasized:

1. Advanced operation - empowers operators to make smarter decisions 

2. Smart engineering - a new engineering ecosystem that delivers certainty and confidence

3. System agility - flexibility, adaptability, and extensibility for plant upgrade and expansion, changes in plant operations, and business exigencies

4. Sustainable plant - optimum system performance throughout the entire lifecycle of the plant

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