Invensys Process Systems (IPS)'s Version 4.1 SimSci-Esscor INPLANT simulation software
Newest version of SimSci-Esscor's INPLANT simulation software 4.1, a program that simulates multiphase flow in plant utility and relief networks provides flexibility to model applications ranging from a depressuring study of a single vessel to the design and rating of a complete cooling water network for an entire refinery or petrochemical plant. The latest version incorporates SimSci-Esscor SIM4ME Portal, which enables the use of INPLANT software via Microsoft Excel interface. The SIM4ME portal constructs a bidirectional communication link between the steady-state simulator, SimSci-Esscor's INPLANT, PIPEPHASE or PRO//11 simulation software and a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The SIM4ME Portal enables developers to create an Excel spreadsheet that is INPLANT aware, allowing users to execute an INPLANT simulation from within an Excel software application.
Invensys Process Systems (IPS); 469/365-6400;