Micro PLC with IIoT capabilities

Feb. 23, 2024

Developed in partnership with Finder, Opta is a micro-PLC supporting Arduino programming and five IEC 61131-3 standard languages. Opta offers the computational power and onboard connectivity required for real-time control, monitoring and predictive maintenance. By combining with Arduino Cloud or third-party services, it can scale up industrial and building automation projects with Arduino’s open-source, easy-to-use, anti-vendor-lock-in approach.

All three variants—Opta Lite, Opta RS485 and Opta WiFi—are secure and durable by design. They support OTA firmware updates, and ensure data security from hardware to the Cloud thanks to an onboard secure element and X.509 standard compliance, and undergo regular cybersecurity posture assessments.

Rohtek Automation


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