Customer Ultrasonic Interface (CUI 5) software for Daniel's Model 3084 ultrasonic flowmeter allows users to configure the meter, view flow profiles and actionable alerts, record log files, trend data, and troubleshoot installation problems. All diagnostic information delivered from the meter can be viewed with Daniel's enhanced Customer Ultrasonic Interface (CUI 5). This Windows-based software application allows users to configure the meter, view flow profiles and actionable alerts, record log files, trend data and troubleshoot installation problems. The meter's Ethernet compatibility enables multiple users to monitor the meter and access real-time data remotely.
"Daniel's custody transfer flow meters are PlantWeb-enabled and provide process alerts in real time through the PlantWeb network," Hackett said. "Our advanced diagnostics also can be accessed by AMS Intelligent Device Manager using enhanced EDDL functionality. So users can interact with our flowmeter either in the control room or shop using AMS, or they can use the Model 475 Field Communicator at the instrument itself."
"That's not all the news," Hackett continued. "Our new extended-range, high- temperature transducers are designed for use in temperatures -58 °F to +302 °F, or -50 °C to +150 °C."
Hackett went on, stating, "This makes Daniel Model 3804 the ideal choice for a wide variety of challenging, heated crude oil refining applications. And our new high-viscosity transducers will extend the viscosity range of the Daniel liquid ultrasonic meter to 1,000 centistokes (cSt) with Reynolds numbers above 10,000 to address an even greater variety of applications."
"What we fully expect," Hackett said, "is that the addition of the high-temperature and high viscosity transducers will allow site managers the possibility of standardizing on Daniel Model 3804 ultrasonic meters across a wide range of process environments and have access to a more cost-effective and viable alternative for high-temperature and high-viscosity applications such as refining of heavy vacuum oil, naphtha and kerosene."
You can listen to Dan Hackett and Control's Walt Boyes talk about applications and the new product enhancements to the Daniel Model 3804 in the podcast "Daniel Measurement's New Ultrasonic Flowmeter Transducer."