Additional technical input on Unfettered blogs and ACS control system cyber incident database
As a public service, I have made the Unfettered blogs available for more than 13 years ( The blogs have addressed many important control system technical issues that have either not been adequately addressed (e.g., process sensors) or the popular perception is not correct (e.g., Aurora). I have been asked many times for further details on the blogs. Wednesday, November 4, 2020, I did a webinar on the Aurora vulnerability in response to issues with the Wired article “How 30 lines of code blew up a 27-ton generator”. The webinar addressed the Aurora vulnerability history, INL test, technical issues associated with Aurora, and actual Aurora incidents. Aside from the two attendees that were party to the Aurora issues, the information was new to everyone else resulting in more than 30 minutes of questions. The webinar recording has not been made public though there have been many requests.
The control system cyber incident database has more than 1,250 incidents from electric (fossil, hydro, nuclear, renewables, SCADA, and substations), water/wastewater, oil/gas, pipelines, manufacturing, transportation, medical, and space. Many of these incidents were catastrophic as there have been more than1,500 deaths and $70Billion in direct damage. I have been asked often about the database as it is not publicly available because many of the cases are not public. Many of the really damaging control system incidents in the database were not IP-network-based and consequently have not been addressed by OT monitoring technologies or OT security training.
If interested, I can provide additional technical details behind specific blogs and/or provide sanitized case histories on a retainer basis.
Joe Weiss