goes Print! #pauto #mfg #manufacturing #sustainability #green @sustainableplant

Sept. 13, 2012

I am pleased and proud to announce that, which we began as strictly an online venue, has decided to also become a print publication.

SP will be published in November, and mailed at the end of October. Here's what my colleague Paul Studebaker (and my predecessor as editor in chief of Control, too) says about what he and his team are doing:

I am pleased and proud to announce that, which we began as strictly an online venue, has decided to also become a print publication.

SP will be published in November, and mailed at the end of October. Here's what my colleague Paul Studebaker (and my predecessor as editor in chief of Control, too) says about what he and his team are doing:

The writers and editors of are creating Sustainable Plant as a print publication, with the first issue to become available in the fourth quarter of 2012. The inagural edition focuses on optimizing plant utilities: water, air, fuel gases, electric power and steam...the WAGES, offering a guide to best practices based on real-world experience.

Visit for more details, and a chance to subscribe to the print magazine.

This is the first time we've moved from digital to print. We have very successfully created digital properties like and among others, but we've never started digital and gone to print. This is a huge win for Paul and the SustainablePlant team. 

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