There's an old marching and drinking song, "In Heaven, there is no beer! That's why we drink it here!" Well, automation professionals don't have to wait until the hereafter. One of the most interesting automation processes I've ever worked in is beer-making. There may not be beer in Heaven, but in Automation we have beer. There's no way I could pass up this press release...
From Mettler-Toledo's press release:
Optical Oxygen Measurement for Excellent Beer Quality
METTLER TOLEDO’s NEW optical oxygen sensor for brewing applications - the InPro 6970i, helps to minimize waste of beer and reduce maintenance costs with rapid and accurate measurement of dissolved oxygen
The residual oxygen level has become a key factor for beer quality. Optical sensors set a new benchmark in oxygen monitoring resulting in compelling beer quality and longer shelf life. With the InPro 6970i, METTLER TOLEDO Process Analytics offers an optical oxygen sensor which will substantially improve the product quality in breweries. Based on a chemo-optical technology the new high-end sensor offers significant advantages, requiring minimal maintenance and calibration effort, leading to long-term stability combined with high accuracy.
This new optical sensor with integrated ISM (Intelligent Sensor Management) technology uses fluorescence technology to accurately and reliable determine the dissolved oxygen content during the process. This innovative technology, combined with METTLER TOLEDO’s long-standing experience in the measurement of analytical parameters such as oxygen, conductivity, turbidity and pH in breweries, was refined to produce the most advanced measurement system for industrial use and sets a new standard of excellence for enhanced performance and ease of use.
Equally important for the brewer is the minimal maintenance required. The OptoCap is the only consumable and can be replaced by the user without any specialist know-how. The optical sensor does not need any electrolyte or polarization resulting in very easy maintenance. This improves its operational availability and significantly reduces the risk of inadvertent handling errors. Long calibration intervals, easy and fast calibration routines result in high operational availability of the system.
Additional status information like DLI (Dynamic Lifetime Indicator) or ACT (Adaptive Calibration Timer) is processed in the sensor head, providing the user with real-time warnings when early signs of end-of-life of the optical cap appear or when calibration is necessary.
Key benefits at a glance:
High operational availability
Lower detection limit together with a faster response time, result in improved oxygen monitoring.
Shorter downtimes
The integrated ISM® technology offers real-time status information allowing detailed maintenance planning, and unscheduled process interruptions can be avoided.
Easy maintenance
Calibration in the lab or at the filling line, easy opto-cap replacement and “Plug and Measure” functionality make the handling of the sensor easy, quick and safe.
Fur further details, please visit: