Out of Control: Personal Rant

March 9, 2009

OK. I'm going on record. I HATE, HATE, HATE daylight savings time. 

OK. I'm going on record. I HATE, HATE, HATE daylight savings time.  It messes up my sleep schedule for a week. It weirds out my cats, who are living on "God's time." It screws up at least one of the clocks in my house until I dredge out the user manual to remember how to change the settings. Ditto the clock in my car. This last cycle, I didn't even bother to change that one for the winter. Now that daylight savings time goes on for eight months out of the year, it hardly seemed worth the effort. Yes, the "extra" light in the evenings is nice when the weather's good, but it's nice in the morning too. And it's just not worth the hassle.

Furthermore, the logic behind it (that we're saving energy) is somewhat spurious. Don't you spend the light you save at night in the morning? Now my knee-jerk, Luddite, grumpy reaction has some support.

See link. http://yglesias.thinkprogress.org/archives/2009/03/the_case_against_daylight_savings_time.php

There.  I feel better now. Thanks for listening.



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