Sometimes a strange notion...

Dec. 11, 2007
Occasionally, I get some really off-the-wall press releases. This morning I got one of the strangest I've received, and I can't resist passing it along. Just remember that I am making no warranty, either express or implied about the information contained in the release, and you should form your own judgements about it. INVENTORONE, THE ANDREW ABOLAFIA COMPANY, PATENTED THE STATIC FIELD CONVERTER, A MACHINE THAT TAPS A NEW SOURCE OF ENERGY (RapidPressRelease) December 10, 2007.Har...
Occasionally, I get some really off-the-wall press releases. This morning I got one of the strangest I've received, and I can't resist passing it along. Just remember that I am making no warranty, either express or implied about the information contained in the release, and you should form your own judgements about it. INVENTORONE, THE ANDREW ABOLAFIA COMPANY, PATENTED THE STATIC FIELD CONVERTER, A MACHINE THAT TAPS A NEW SOURCE OF ENERGY(RapidPressRelease) December 10, 2007.Hartford, NY - The Static Field Converter (patented and patents pending) is an invention by The Andrew Abolafia Company that converts the energy in permanent magnets into useable electrical energy. The significance of the innovation is that the energy stored in permanent magnet materials can be tapped. The magnitude of the energy is large enough to make a significant impact in reducing the U.S. addiction to oil as well as mitigate the destruction of the environment. Abundant, cheap electricity generated by the invention can produce abundant, cheap hydrogen. Hydrogen can be used as fuel in most applications that now require fossil fuels. It can also be used to power fuel cells. The exhaust is water vapor.The Andrew Abolafia Company, after more than four years of research on the invention (Static Field Converter) in collaboration with the University at Buffalo, SUNY (State University of New York), produced results that show that The Andrew Abolafia Company's Static Field Converter taps a new source of energy. ANSYS Finite Element Analysis computer simulation yields the data that support that conclusion. It has enabled The Static Field Converter to evolve and be refined along with experimentation at the University at Buffalo.Andrew Abolafia was interviewed by Michael Haman of AM 1400 WINC in the Virginia, Washington, DC area. He was broadcast live and answered listener calls. Fizah Malik, Michael Haman's assistant said "the interview was great, and gave the listeners something different." Mr. Abolafia was also interviewed by Melissa Hahn a reporter for the Illinois Radio Network which is a group of reporters that provide political/governmental/statewide news reports to 55 radio stations in Illinois and the St. Louis area. In answer to the question, "Why has no one else in the world discovered this?" Andrew replied "Some people can create beautiful music, others great works of art. Ever since I can remember, including when I was 23 and working on my first patent, I was able to create original, practical technology. There were men working with me who had a lifetime of experience that tried to invent new technology but just couldn't do it. I don't really know how or why I can create original, practical technology. I only know that somehow, like artists and composers, I look at a technical problem and I just get it." There are many more answered broadcast interview questions at the company web site There is much more to say about the invention that is interesting and the opportunity to say it, show it or write about it to other Americans would be very welcome. The Andrew Abolafia Company is an IT and engineering consulting company located in Hartford, NY.The patent, supporting documentation, analysis and affiliations, can also be found at The Andrew Abolafia Company web site To Schedule an interview or contact Andy Abolafia call: 518.632.9193 or by email: [email protected]

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