Top 10 things you need to know about WirelessHART...
10. WirelessHART is an enabling technology that reduces life cycle cost of measurements by using existing proven tools, knowledge and devices!
9. WirelessHART complements not replaces wired HART adding new communication capabilities.
8. HART 7 includes powerful enhancements for both wired and wireless devices...and is backward compatible.
7. WirelessHART is a practical, common sense approach to wireless technology for process applications - fast and easy deployment.
6. WirelessHART adapter enables access to diagnostic information in 24+ million installed intelligent (HART) devices with no change to the control system.
5. WirelessHART is built on proven and established standards to ensure interoperable, reliable and secure communication. (uses standard IEEE radio, AES encryption, etc.)
4. WirelessHART is supported by the 200+ Member companies including all major device and control system suppliers (except Honeywell --ed.)
3. WirelessHART news! HART is collaborating with the ISA100 committee, granting full access to the HART7 and WirelessHART Specification.
2. WirelessHART is the basis for collaboration with FF and PNO-- defines common wireless gateway to fieldbus networks.
1. WirelessHART is simple, reliable, secure and it is here and ready for implementation today.
Leading automation companies speak out about HART 7 and WirelessHART...
Pat Cashwell, VP field instrumentation, from ABB. "What's important to ABB is the voice of the customer. At the end of the day, it is in our best interest to listen to the customer. 90% of our instruments are HART based. Our customers are buying HART. There's a terrific use case for WirelessHART. There is a solution for the customer to continue to use HART, and customers do not have to scrap their old instruments. ABB, in 2008 will be releasing HART7 and WirelessHART products. As a community, we do not need to have confusion and conflict in standards, and we need everybody's help to make that happen."
Peter Zornio, Chief strategic officer, Emerson Process Management, "I'd like to congratulate Ron and everybody who worked on this. It is a lot of hard work, and a great accomplishment. HART does have heart, when you look at the continued line of innovation that keeps coming out of the HART foundation.
"The familiar look and feel of HART 7 and WirelessHART will make it very easy to train operators to take advantage of the new capabilities. We will be migrating to WirelessHART and launching new products in the spring of next year."
Frank Hils, corporate director of projects and solutions, Endress+Hauser: "We see that HART 7 is another chapter in the success story of HCF and especially of WirelessHART. We now have easily the opportunity to tap into the trapped instrument data base that has been installed over the past two decades. We have now all the ingredients in place, and now we see that most of the suppliers are going to provide HART 7 devices, and it is now up to the user community to validate this by issuing purchase orders."
Hans-Georg Kumpfmueller, division president ofr sensors and communication for Siemens: "One of the most important things is WirelessHART. It is the first standard on the market, and I can only advise ISA100 to cooperate because WirelessHART is on the market and will not go away. The other important thing is the cooperation between PNO, FF and HART. HART has confirmed its competence on the market for device integration and it is a clear wish of the industry for convergence of devices and harmonized standards."
HART has a WirelessHART interoperability demo in booth 1348.