Dressed as football players, complete with helmets, Dennis Brandl, Keith Unger, Charlie Gifford, Lynn Craig, and Dave Chappell gave updates on the standards of interest to WBF.
Brandl talked about the SP88 update of Part 1. They are getting rid of the fuzziness, now that we have 10 years.
We're working on Part 5 and Part 6 now, and if we can marry OPC-UA we can make a vendor nondependent interface.
SP88 (Make2Pack) Part 5... Dave Chappell: develop a standar approach to deliver equipment automation that can be used across all disciplines on the factory floor...batch, continuous, discrete and packkaging...with a common look and feel of components that are reusable across disciplines, leveraging exiting work.
The first working draft is available and you can read it on the website,
Monthly F2F meetings scheduled until the end of the year.
IEC 65A MT11 working on ISA-88 Part 3 and making it 61512-3 and will soon start on Part 4 to make it 61512-4. There is a draft working.
IEC 65E JWG5... new work item vote out for ISA 95 Part 5 as 62264-5 and we are now formally IEC 65A JWG15
In summary, what we do here becomes international.
ISA-95 update: Keith Unger-- ISA-95 where are we going? Harmonization and Extension with all the other standards, OPEN O&M, IEC/ISO, and a whole bunch of other alphabet soup.
The SP95 committee wants to work with industry groups to add vertical detail to the ISA-95 standards.
We've established a continuous improvement model.
The SP95 committee will work with each vertical indsustry group to determine the best vehicle for publication.
We're thinking of annexes to the standard, technical reports, etc.
We're doing a standards update mapping for ISA-95: it's complicated...trust Keith it will work.
The benefits of harmonization and extension are process models hybrid models and discrete models, giving us stronger input from discrete and process industries reslulting in a standardds that is more broadly applicable.
Lots of meetings planned.
Lynn Craig talked about the S-88 and S-95 working group charter.
We're writing a technical report to help people use both 88 and 95. This technical report is targeted for industry stateholders, intending to use 95 for enterprise to control and 88 for control ssytem integration with a common project.
There are only a few issues. ISA 95 and 88 higher level functions map properly.
Production Execution Management in 95 is an almost perfect overlay with 88's production management functions.
This isn't a problem either. We're on track to do something good.
might get the TR done this year.
Draft 11 is to be completed by June.