The last of it: The final presentations

Nov. 20, 2006
Two final presentations were made after my talk, both fascinating looks at upgrades and migrations. The one that was most interesting was by a gentleman named Mr. Rajesh Kapoor, from Alexandria Fiber, in Egypt. The thing that jumped out at me about both presentations was the lack of difficulty reported in both cases. The projects apparently went swimmingly. I wish I could say that about any upgrade project I've ever been involved with! After the meeting ended, Kazuhiro Makishima took me to see ...
Two final presentations were made after my talk, both fascinating looks at upgrades and migrations. The one that was most interesting was by a gentleman named Mr. Rajesh Kapoor, from Alexandria Fiber, in Egypt. The thing that jumped out at me about both presentations was the lack of difficulty reported in both cases. The projects apparently went swimmingly. I wish I could say that about any upgrade project I've ever been involved with! After the meeting ended, Kazuhiro Makishima took me to see the Tree of Life-- way the heck out in the Bahrain desert there stands a lone tree. It must have absolutely frightened the natives back when this was the pre-Biblical Land of Dilmun. That tree must have some serious mojo. Then we went for dinner to a Lebanese restaurant, and after that we poured me onto an airplane at 2 AM (yes, that's right, two ante meridian) for London. Arriving in London about 6 in the morning, I realized that if I was clever and quick ("Oh, Mr. Boyes, you only have about three hours, and you'll have to run for it or you'll miss it!") I could catch the Chicago flight a day early, and save time and some money. So I ran for it...and just made the plane. Whew! That was a kicker ten days.

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