Expertune just hired themselves a new CEO, and he's taking charge in a big way.
ExperTune's PlantTriage Guarantees Savings
ExperTune is so confident that PlantTriage delivers bottom-line results that it will provide software and services for free, in exchange for a share of the savings. This offer comes after repeated successes in process plants worldwide. With this "Software for Savings" offer, clients receive PlantTriage software, service, and training, completely free of charge. In return, ExperTune receives a 25% share of the resulting savings, such as energy reductions, production increases, and waste/scrap reduction.
"After talking with dozens of existing clients, and hearing for myself how PlantTriage has saved millions, I am 100% convinced that PlantTriage will deliver these bottom-line benefits to any process plant. This offer puts our money where our mouth is." says Kevin Gibbs, newly-appointed CEO of ExperTune.
The PlantTriage Performance Supervision System identifies and prioritizes the biggest opportunities for improvement in process plants. Typical industries using PlantTriage include Oil & Gas, Metals & Mining, Chemicals, Pulp & Paper, and Utilities. Integrated tools enable drill-down to solve root-cause performance problems.
ExperTune's offer includes a full license to the PlantTriage software, configuration and start-up service, training, and expert analysis services. The offer is valid worldwide, with services provided through ExperTune's global network of process and control experts.
Mr. Gibbs continues "Our software delivers results, and we'll prove it. You won't pay a penny until you see the impact to the bottom-line."