And from the get-them-when-they-are-not-so-young department...

Aug. 8, 2006
Let's see if we can help here:


----- Message from "yousuf shahabi" on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 04:02:43 +0000 ----- To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Instrumentation Traning in Pakistan Dear Sir. Bela G Liptak. Hello and salute to you. Our curriculum of instrumentation is approved by the grace of God, from provicial govt. training authority in May 2006. we are planing to start class in sept 2006. we have collected many ins...
Let's see if we can help here:


----- Message from "yousuf shahabi" on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 04:02:43 +0000 ----- To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Instrumentation Traning in Pakistan Dear Sir. Bela G Liptak. Hello and salute to you. Our curriculum of instrumentation is approved by the grace of God, from provicial govt. training authority in May 2006. we are planing to start class in sept 2006. we have collected many instruments for our students for practice. we need some instruments for our tear down practice. we request you to Help us locate doners and or doner agencies who could help us by used surplus instruments for our students lab work. we will pay for sea shipment expenses up to Karachi sea port. Thanks Best regards Sincerely M. yousuf Shahabi 443-Altamash Road Multan 60000 Pakistan


First, we need more instrumentation technicians worldwide, and this is a worthy cause. But even more importantly, from a political view, one of the most important problems in the countries of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Chechniya, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Palestine is that nearly the entire population of young men between the ages of 18 and 35 are unemployed with no prospects of ever being so. This, of course, makes them ready fodder for people who want to turn them into human bombs, and so forth. Anything that can make them employable, and that can help the local economies by employing them is good for us, good for them, good for the world's economy and political stability. It is a Good Thing(tm) all around. So, let's open up the wallets, folks.

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