As Pinto alluded to at dinner last night, the aisles are rather bare at this mini version of the SPS Electrical Automation show from Europe. While the conference sessions appear to be reasonably well attended, the show floor is rather bare. I bumped into one non-vendor attendee, and spent some time talking...he had that hunted look of being the only customer in sight. Like "deer in the headlights" if you know what I mean. Spent quite some time chatting with the Crazy Canuckian, Jeremy Pollard, who is a consultant, writes for Control Design, and is at the show representing PLCopen. We talked about the '318 patent case. Pollard consulted to several of the attorneys in the case, and believes, as I do, that it is time for Solaia to stick a fork in it. Neither of us has heard if they will quietly go away now, or if they will continue to harass Rockwell's end-users and appeal the judge's decision.
Off to see the show. It shouldn't take long.