2012 Automation Technology in Process Manufacturing (ATPM 2012) Conference
ATPM 2012 is a new conference that will focus on the most pressing issues in applying automation and control technology in process manufacturing. The conference will bring together industry thought leaders to discuss recent developments and best practices affecting process manufacturing.
ATPM 2012 will be held in The Woodlands, Texas (near Houston) May 21st through 23rd 2012.
The conference theme is "Focus on the Future-build your company's global competitive capability." As global competition becomes an increased issue for every manufacturer, it becomes critical to understand and apply the latest technology to remain competitive. Individuals interested in presenting at the conference should submit an abstract using this theme as a guide for the presentation. Topic areas of greatest interest are (but are not limited to):
- Human design interface in process operations
- Procedural automation in continuous process applications
- Future trends in process manufacturing
- Alarm management best practices and implementation successes
- Control system security current trends and best practices
- End user case studies from forward thinking companies
Presentations at the conference will be 30 minutes and should be accompanied by electronic slides to be prepared on a conference-supplied template. Written papers are optional, but encouraged. All presentations and papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Abstracts should be concise, understandable, and include the presentation title, applicable keywords, introductory sentence(s) that creates an interest in the topic, and a summary of the presentation topic. Abstracts must be non-commercial, written in English and should be between 100-250 words.
Abstracts should be submitted electronically to [email protected] deadline is January 20, 2012. To learn more about the ATPM 2012 conference visit www.ATPM2012.org.
The conference committee will notify presenters of provisional acceptance by February 3, 2012. All presentations are subject to peer review. Draft presentations will be due March 30, 2012, with final submissions due May 4, 2012.