Adaptive Instruments announces deals with Adaptive Wireless Solutions and Control Microsystems
July 15, 2009
HUDSON, Mass.-- Adaptive Instruments Corporation (AIC), vendor of process instrumentation technologies including the Accutech line of advanced wireless products, today announced the launch of a strategic initiative to better support the emerging global wireless marketplace. As a result of these strategic changes Adaptive Instruments has signed deals with two significant channels to market; Adaptive Wireless Solutions as a dedicated supplier of engineered traditional and wireless solutions and Control Microsystems as the company responsible for the Accutech wireless instruments business worldwide. Adaptive Wireless Solutions (AWS) is licensed to use Accutech enabled technology for OEM customers requiring engineered solutions going beyond the scope of the core Accutech product line. AWS has also bought the production facilities and rights to the AIC traditional product lines.Control Microsystems will assume responsibility for all development, manufacturing and sales of the core Accutech wireless products through a dedicated division of the company. The fabrication of Accutech instruments at Control Microsystems has already commenced.Additional announcements will be forthcoming in the next weeks.