OMAC has new name and mission

June 25, 2008

Research Triangle Park, N.C. -- The Open Modular Architecture Control Users' Group (OMAC) is now the Organization for Manufacturing Automation and Control (OMAC). This name change reflects the evolution of the organization's mission. 

The name was proposed at the Board of Directors Meeting at ARC Orlando 2008, and was recently approved by the OMAC board of directors, along with a new mission statement: "OMAC is the organization for automation and manufacturing professionals that is dedicated to supporting the machine automation and operational needs of manufacturing."

The new mission statement and name change are a result of member feedback from last year's technical symposium and working group meetings. The changes reflect the vision and value-added proposition the new OMAC has to offer. As the new name implies, the potential membership base has dramatically increased to include a broader audience.

In addition, the OMAC board of directors has decided to update the OMAC logo. It is a small, subtle change--the words "Users Group" have been removed to better reflect the growth of OMAC.

OMAC's transitional plan is in place and includes a corporate membership drive, the upcoming OMAC Technical Symposium and further development of the OMAC Technical Advisory Board (TAB).

Corporate membership was introduced earlier this year, allowing companies to take a more active role in shaping OMAC as an organization and how it affects industry through their seat on the OMAC TAB. This group will function in an advisory role to the OMAC board of directors and focus on the "technical" aspects of OMAC operations and working groups.

OMAC will hold its 2nd annual OMAC Technical Symposium December 3-4 in Charlotte, N.C. The event will be hosted by Okuma and Partners. This year's theme will be Total System Evolution. Updated information will be available on the OMAC website,, including a comprehensive schedule and registration information.

As part of the new mission, OMAC has reached out to WBF to plan a joint conference in 2009. This joint conference will help OMAC broaden the audience of what it does as part of the overall picture of the automation profession.  

Interested professionals can join as a corporate or individual member at