First annual MatrikonOPC Conference draws worldwide users

Nov. 13, 2005
APPROXIMATELY 130 visitors attended more than 40 presentations, keynote addresses, exhibits and other events during the three-day, inaugural MatrikonOPC Conference held by Matrikon in Houston, Texas. The conference covered the vision of OPC, network cyber security, case studies, as well as interoperability and reliability issues.Though attendees came mostly from North America, the conference also attracted presenters, participants, integrators and users from as far as Russia, South America, and Europe. They represented a variety of companies, including Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, Shell Global Solutions, and the OPC Foundation. "The MatrikonOPC Conference represented an important opportunity to learn about the technology," says Tom Burke, OPC Foundation’s president, who delivered the first day’s keynote. "Attendees learned a lot about the different vendors, and learned about Matrikon's commitment to OPC as one of the driving companies supporting the OPC Foundation and the technology." The three official conference days were followed by three days of intense, hands-on workshops with more than 70 attendees taking part. These computer lab-based workshops offered Level 1, 2 and 3 OPC certification for beginner to advanced users. "This was an excellent workshop, and its reference to real examples and exercises helped me understand the use of OPC," says Kenneth Arroyo of Schlumberger.Matrikon adds that Houston will host the next MatrikonOPC Conference in September 2006. For more information, visit