Source: Mobideo
66a7c66d46625b397c6a0bc9 Mobideo Digital Twin Powered By R2s

Mobideo’s digital twin streamlines turnaround planning at Delek’s El Dorado refinery

July 29, 2024
The digital twin introduces a virtual site model developed in collaboration with James Fisher Asset Information Services
Mobideo has launched its digital twin solution powered by R2S software. This shutdown, turnaround and outage (STO) planning platform went live on June 24 at Delek’s refinery in El Dorado, Arkansas. Before digitalizing the full El Dorado plant, Delek began by implementing Mobideo Digital Twin at its alkylation unit in Tyler, Texas.
The digital twin introduces a virtual site model developed in collaboration with James Fisher Asset Information Services (AIS). Using this data-driven approach, all project stakeholders can access process and project management tools to streamline STO planning and execution. Mobideo’s integrated digital twin reduces costs, enhances decision-making and employee safety, and merges monitoring, planning and execution expertise to break down operational silos.
“After using Mobideo for our turnaround execution for the last few turnarounds, we were ready to add visibility to our planning phase,” says Josh Tauber, turnaround manager at Delek. “This digital twin model means we can benefit from a unique combination of onsite and offsite planners, better interpret historical data from multiple sources, and put together a robust plan with a holistic view of the refinery.”
The digital twin’s integrated model lets Mobideo deliver streamlined digital insights in preparation for a planned turnaround of the refinery’s units at Tyler and El Dorado. By undertaking a comprehensive visual survey of the unit and embedding results into plot plans and 360° images, Mobideo and James Fisher will process asset information into the digital twin platform, providing a joined-up reality data model.
“While the term ‘digital twin’ can encompass various interpretations and uses, this model was implemented swiftly within weeks and at minimal cost,” explains Iddo Salton, VP of innovation, data and AI at Delek. “It’s empowered us to enhance our planning processes and conduct virtual equipment walkthroughs, benefiting our employees and contractors. The tangible benefits derived from this digital twin model underscore its real value.”
Amir Green, CEO at Mobideo, adds, “Preparation for turnaround events involves complex coordination and a granular understanding of equipment location and surrounding conditions. A shared visual understanding plays a pivotal role in enabling this, allowing teams to devise strategies, allocate resources and optimize task schedules.”
About the Author

Jim Montague | Executive Editor

Jim Montague is executive editor of Control.