Version 2.5 IncuityEMI business integelligence software for manufacturing helps continous process, batch and discrete manufacturing companies gain a deeper insight into their operations, and serves as a platform for developing composite manufacturing applications. It gives information access and analytical capabilities that provide better insight into all process phases so that users can prioritize their optimization tasks. New capabilities include point and click configuration of its Unified Production Model. Users can adopt and extend industry models like ISA 95 or create their own models of physical assets and equipment, products, schedules, inventories, suppliers and customers. The software also provides complete access to all connected control and business data sources via web services, the .NET object model or stored procedures. There is enhanced internal 'Incuity' tags that make it easier to integrate manually-entered data and calculate, process and aggregate data from all external sources. Incuity Software; 949/465-0390;