“Ask the Experts” is moderated by Béla Lipták, process control consultant and editor of the Instrument Engineer’s Handbook (IEH). Preparation of IEH’s 5th edition will start shortly. If you’re qualified to update an existing chapter or prepare a new one, please sent your resumé. Similarly, if you’d like to ask or help answer questions in this column, write to [email protected].
Q: Our factory has a MagFlow flowmeter from Emerson Process Management to measure sugar juice. Sensor model is 8711SSA040R1N0 and transmitter model is 8732CR12N0M4.
After one season’s operation, the flowmeter failed. The error message is “reverse flow,” and in the transmitter, the indicator number keeps counting the flow, although the pipe is empty. We check all the parameters and the same thing occurs. Then we do calibration, but the situation does not improve.
When we take the sensor out of the pipe, it seems to be OK—no error message appears on the display, and the transmitter display/indicator is not counting. When we reinstall it in the pipeline, the same error message appears. The ground/earth wire is OK.
Please help me to solve problem and/or find out the root cause of it, or do we have to replace with a new sensor?
Tran Ngoc Kheim - Roger
A: This phenomenon is typical of both AC and DC magnetic flowmeters. When nothing seems to be wrong with the sensors or the transmitter and yet this occurs, check the integrity of the electrode seal within the pipe or the integrity of the lining, if any. Faraday’s Law never ceases to function as long as the fluid is in contact with the electrodes, even if the pipe is only half full. When the liquid sloshes, the meter can give a negative reading.
I recommend checking the grounding of orifices on both sides if the pipe is lined. Magnetic flowmeters often ground the output signal to minimum when flow drops to zero or to a known low point, thus avoiding these kind of erroneous readings.
Systems Research International Inc.
A: If the meter operates properly when removed from the line, and it does not when installed, the problem is caused by an installation error.
The voltage which the magnetic flowmeter detects is induced by the velocity of the flowing conductive fluid. Because this voltage is very small, ANY extraneous voltage or electric noise will interfere with it. Consequently, the electrodes must be well-insulated from the pipe if the pipe is conductive (metallic). This insulation will fail if:
- the electrodes come into contact with the pipe, because the electrode seals are damaged,
- the flowing fluid contacts the pipe because the meter lining is damaged or
- the bonding of the meter (or its ground) has failed, and therefore, the electrically conductive pipeline is no longer grounded.
My guess is that your trouble is caused by bad bonding.
Béla Lipták