ALL-PURPOSE INFRARED THERMOMETERSThe new single-wavelength Gold series is a non-contact temperature measuring sensor with either fiber-optics or laser aiming useable in diverse applications. The sensors are protected in stainless-steel enclosures and include a built-in digital display for local viewing. The temperature monitoring limits are 0 ºF to 4500 ºF (20 ºC to 2500 ºC). Gold 30 uses a small fiber-optic cable to view the target, while the sensor is mounted in a remote or more convenient location. Fiber-optic cable lengths can vary from 3 ft to 30 ft (1 m to 9 m), and can survive ambient exposures up to 400 ºF (200 ºC). Calibration accuracy is 0.25% of reading. It has repeatability of 1C and response time of 10 ms to 50 ms.