Time-sensitive networking (TSN) is an important part of what’s needed for the next steps in automation development, with the high-speed precision and infrastructure interoperability that’s needed for truly autonomous operations and deterministic control.
While it’s not ready for prime-time industry-wide use, TSN is getting closer with the latest Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards.
The TSN task group is part of the IEEE 802.1 working group, tasked with developing standards and recommended practices for network management, security and protocol layers. The TSN working group evolved from the former IEEE 802.1 Audio Video Bridging (AVB) task group. The group has released a number of new standards in 2020, and the industry awaits one more standard, expected in a few years, that will help make TSN ubiquitous in industrial automation applications.
“It is critical that every key player in the value chain, including machine builders and end-user engineers, make the investment now in cross-market collaborative standards development, testing and certification activities, like the work that we are doing within Avnu Alliance to fully capitalize on the increasing demands for wireless, time-sensitive applications,” says Dave Cavalcanti, wireless TSN workgroup chair at Avnu Alliance and principal engineer at Intel. Avnu Alliance is a consortium of automotive, electronics and industrial manufacturing companies working together to establish TSN standards.
Read more about the why TSN is going to change the industry on ControlDesign.com.