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All access with IIoT

June 26, 2024
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) goes backstage at the digitalization show

Just like every label, “The Internet of Things” is only words. Consequently, some end users, system integrators, suppliers and their process-industry partners report they don’t really care what it’s called, so long as it’s the fastest way to get their data where they want it to go, and lets them access it when it gets there.

Day 1: System integrator Outlier Automation helps battery manufacturer build the right IIoT application. Read more.

Day 2: Point Energy Partners deploys radar level sensors and edge I/O with CoDeSys runtime engine. Read more.

Day 3: System integrator Jordan Engineering shows how Ethernet paves the way to IIoT and security. Read more.

Day 4: Inter Pipeline’s pellet facility uses spare system capacity in Emerson’s DeltaV DCS and expands its thin-client network. Read more.

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