That nice-looking sales rep in the business suit got through the perimeter security and has arrived at the guard shack, seeking admittance to the plant for an appointment with Paula Process, one of your instrument engineers. The rep could be packing a Hekcler & Koch 9mm pistol, be wrapped in explosives under that suit coat or carrying a bomb or an AK 47 in the attache case. Can your security handle this?
Thats the haunting question with which contributing editor Rich Merritt begins his story on security inside your plant in the November issue of Control. Dont miss this look at the latest in video cameras, RFID tags and other methods for keeping track of whos doing what and where they are inside your operations. Its only one piece of Controls Special Issue on Security in the Process Industries, soon to be available here at soon.
The November 2008 entire issue will be devoted to critical infrastructure protection for process operations. Weve brought together the entire Control team to cover every aspect of this important issue. See more.