Run Your Business on Information You Can Trust.
Decisions made in your organization need to be based on information that is 100 percent trustworthy. These days, creating information is easy – in structured and unstructured formats. Having visibility to accurate information when your business users need it is the challenge. Bentley’s AssetWise platform for asset lifecycle information management (ALIM) provides applications to organizations that ensure their information assets are governed, secure, controlled and can be trusted – delivering relevant information, in context, when and where it is needed.
Bentley’s eB Insight is the foundation of the AssetWise platform, and is built upon the best practices of information modeling and classification of structured and unstructured data.
Modeling the Enterprise
The process of establishing how information is organized, related, and behaves is called information modeling. With eB Insight, organizations can model their enterprise information consistently and accurately to improve operational efficiency, minimize business risk, and ensure regulatory compliance.
eB Insight provides flexible and powerful information modeling that makes it easy to define the relationships between information. The ease with which an information model can evolve over time is a clear differentiator of eB Insight.
The 5-step process for modeling enterprise information:
- Identify the critical core information assets (documents, assets, people, processes, etc.)
- Classify information in structured ways to make sure it is consistently described
- Identify relationships to establish information relevance (What are the interdependencies of the information assets? What is the information about?)
- Establish information governance at all levels
- Manage information through change