Acromag limit alarm and transmitter solutions

June 7, 2017
Design to offer the convenience of software configuration on a mobile device for monitoring input threshold levels and converting sensor signals to interface with process control systems.

Acromag has unveiled a new limit alarm and transmitter solutions for its line of microBlox signal conditioners. The microBlox signal conditioning modules, available for a wide range of sensor inputs, plug into the new uBTA Transmitter Alarm Carriers to provide threshold value switch and process signal output capabilities. Single and dual-channel models support a wide variety of input, output, alarm, and relay types. Models with mechanical relays feature two SPDT switches rated for 5A at 250V AC, 30V DC. Solid-state relay models have two SPST switches rated for 1A at 200Vpk AC/DC. Acromag’s free AgilityTM app simplifies setting custom I/O ranges and alarm setpoints using a smartphone or tablet. 

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