White Paper: Common Myths about PC-based Automation

Sept. 27, 2022
Customers utilizing PLCs increasingly face a smaller pool of engineers with skills and experience using traditional PLC programming languages. Engineers coming out of colleges are more comfortable and skilled in PC programming languages.

Thus, a PC-based solution, particularly a Beckhoff solution, ensures our customers have a wide resource pool of skilled programmers today and as the balance of PLC-versus-PC programmers continues to shift in the future. The “myths” discussed in this white paper include:

  • PCs are not real-time because they rely on the clock speed of the PC
  • PCs are not as fast as a PLC
  • PCs are not deterministic
  • PCs don’t offer the security that PLCs offer
  • Companies are moving more towards distributed control over centralized control because there is more risk in centralized control if you lose the controller

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