Get Your Process Analyzer Info Here!

Oct. 12, 2009
This Month We Cover Process Analyzers

This article was printed in CONTROL's Ocotber 2009 edition.

Every month, Control's editors take a specific product area, collect all the latest, significant tools we can find, and present them here to make your job easier. If you know of any tools and resources we didn't include, send them to [email protected], and we'll add them to the website.

This website brings online process analyzer professionals and related manufacturers together for mutual benefit to improve the field of process online analyzers. Analyzer professionals can take advantage of forums, discussion groups, book lists, manufacturer directories and other references.

The whitepaper, "On-Line Process Analyzers: Potential Uses and Applications," discusses application of process analyzers in petroleum refineries. The information is arranged by refining process. Included in this synopsis are applications that will be economically feasible in many refineries.

Government website contains details about the Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to design, analyze and control process manufacturing through timely measurements of critical quality and performance attributes of raw and in-process materials with the goal of ensuring final product quality. Links to tools, committees, presentations and other information about implementing PAT systems.

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"The Development of PAT in Biotech Manufacturing" is a whitepaper discussing the use of quality-by-design and PAT approaches in biotech applications. It describes how complex manufacturing processes not only can be controlled using PAT, but also optimized with respect to both quality and economic value, and points out that fermentation may be the first process to benefit from the technology.

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The technical report, "High-Efficiency Coalescers Increase Online Process Sensor Reliability," discusses how coalescers can be applied to process analyzers for protection against harmful outcomes of inaccurate measurements, such as non-optimized process control, leading to loss of revenue and costly replacement parts due to corrosion and maintenance-related problems.

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Subscribers to this website get secure, online access to search, view, bookmark and print documents according to the license agreement. Online documents are updated daily and multiple users can share a single license. The analyzers collection of PIP practices covers such topics as toxic gas detection systems, engineering guidelines, project implementation guidelines, field installations, bid and proposal information, acceptance testing and data sheets for process analyzers.

Come here to see all of Control's most recent information on process analyzer technology. This online resource contains articles on process analyzer reliability, maintenance and service. Links to all of a 10-part series on process analyzer projects by John Nichols, plus other features, including our June cover story, "PAT Looms over Pharma," as well as links to videos and a report on a survey of PAT users.

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A service of ABB, this website offers a complete service to validate your spreadsheets and provide documented evidence of their correct functionality for satisfying your regulatory auditors. This pre-developed process can be adapted to your own quality systems and validation practices.

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