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Industrial Computers
Industrial Computers
Bad language
Jim Montague
Mind-numbing buzzwords can serve much darker purposes
Distributed Control
Yokogawa allies with SABIC
Connect the plant, embrace the future
Paul Studebaker
Industrial Computers
Public cloud computing to reach nearly $70 billion in 2015
Jim Montague
Industrial Computers
Edge borders on the move
Simpler networking, software and mobility help edge computing burst former boundaries
Industrial Computers
Software pushes the edge’s envelope
Jim Montague
Some of today’s most popular software tools for assisting edge-computing and related tasks
Industrial Computers
Fewer layers keep the edge simple
Jim Montague
System integrator Eosys shows how metadata tags and tag properties classify and identify information
Source: Boston Dynamics
Industrial Computers
Safety on four legs at LNG plant
Jim Montague
Woodside Energy’s LNG plant deploys Boston Dynamics’ Spot robot with a camera to aid inspections
Industrial Computers
Organizational shakeups redirect edge-computing priorities
Jim Montague
System integrator Actemium-Avanceon shows how expanding water/wastewater utilities readjust their data processing requirements
Controllers & Systems
Flow Instrumentation
Level Instrumentation
Motors & Drives
Networks & I/O
Power Supplies
Pressure & Temperature
Safety & Security
Software Applications
Valves & Actuators
Visualization & HMI
Source: Inductive Automation and Moxa
Industrial Computers
Seeking the least-resistant digitalization path
Jim Montague
Industrial Networks
eHandbook: Developments in the Industrial IoT, Part 2
Industrial Computers
15 new controllers that add digital bells and whistles
Remote Access
Edge solution conquers connectivity challenges
Kaylor Greenstreet
Industrial Computers
Product roundup: Controllers and computers share the road
Industrial Computers
Friendly, neighborhood controller, computer
Wago's Edge Controller and Edge Computer run Linux and support Docker container apps
Industrial Computers
Interoperability’s latest frontier
Keith Larson
Common information models are bringing industrial modularity to new levels
Distributed Control
The future of automation systems
Dave Emerson
After years of lagging, automation systems are adopting the lessons learned from IT.
Distributed Control
Open-source control system alternatives
Ian Verhappen
Many open-source technologies show potential to satisfy industrial requirements.
How to combat cybersecurity threats to process safety
Effective change management for control systems is key to avoiding vulnerabilities
Industrial Computers
Resource guide: Panel planning, best practices
Control's monthly guide brings you invaluable industry information to stay up to date on the latest trends and developments.
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