Tech Jobs Disappearing-- Obama Administration Acting to Reverse the Trend #pauto #automation #mfg #manufacturing

Jan. 17, 2012

This press release just came in. I'd seen the results of the survey last week, but now it has been made public. It is a pretty damning assessment of the future of high technology in the USA. It says quite a bit about the, well, frankly, stupidity, of previous Administrations and many corporations who've essentially refused to do anything to attract young people to high technology jobs in manufacturing, and who've supported moving those jobs outside the USA.

Now the proverbial chickens are roosting. (There's more commentary after the press release)


This press release just came in. I'd seen the results of the survey last week, but now it has been made public. It is a pretty damning assessment of the future of high technology in the USA. It says quite a bit about the, well, frankly, stupidity, of previous Administrations and many corporations who've essentially refused to do anything to attract young people to high technology jobs in manufacturing, and who've supported moving those jobs outside the USA.

Now the proverbial chickens are roosting. (There's more commentary after the press release)

U.S. High-tech Jobs Lost as Technological Lead Shrinks

Manufacturing jobs drop sharply; R&D jobs created abroad

New NSB Report Provides Deep Insights on the Economy,

Valuable Data for Policy Makers

Arlington, VA-The United States lost 28 percent of its high-technology manufacturing jobs over the last decade, as the nation's rapidly shrinking lead in science and technology in the global marketplace was accompanied by a toll on U.S. high-tech jobs, according to a new study released today by the National Science Board (NSB), the policy making body for the National Science Foundation.

One of the most dramatic signs of this trend was the loss of 687,000 high-technology manufacturing jobs since 2000. U.S. multinational corporations also created research and development (R&D) jobs overseas at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, China became the world leader in high-technology trade and, for the first time, Asia matched the United States in R&D investments.

Those were among the key findings released today by the NSB, as it unveiled the most comprehensive and up-to-date information and analysis on the nation's position in science and technology. The biennial report, Science and Engineering Indicators (SEI), highlights trends and factors that have an impact on the nation's economy, competitiveness and innovation capacity. 

U.S. employment in high-technology manufacturing reached a peak in 2000, with 2.5 million jobs. The recession of 2001 provided the first big hit causing "substantial and permanent" job losses, the report said. By the end of the decade, more than a quarter of the jobs were gone.

"The latest data clearly show the economic consequences of the eroding competitive advantage the United States has historically enjoyed in science and technology," said Dr. José-Marie Griffiths, chairman of the NSB committee that oversees production of the report. "Other nations clearly recognize the economic and social benefits of investing in R&D and education, and they are challenging the United States' leadership position. We're seeing the result in the very real, and substantial, loss of good jobs."

"The volume gives a clear picture of the United States' position in globalization," Griffiths said. "Over the last decade, the world has changed dramatically. It's now a world with very different actors who have made advancement in science and technology a top priority. And many of the troubling trends we're seeing are now very well established."

U.S. Firms Create More R&D Jobs Abroad

On top of the lost manufacturing employment, U.S. multinational corporations are rapidly expanding their R&D jobs overseas. From 1994-2004, U.S. firms established R&D jobs abroad at a relatively slow annual rate of 3 percent, increasing the share of their R&D employment overseas from 14 percent to 16 percent. But according to preliminary figures,in the five years after that (2004-2009, the number of new R&D jobs overseas took off, growing to 27 percent of all R&D jobs at these U.S. firms. Since 2004, about 85 percent of R&D employment growth in U.S. multinational corporations has been abroad.   

That rapid increase in employment by U.S. firms abroad contrasts with very modest growth in R&D employment in the United States by foreign companies. 

"This apparent acceleration of U.S. R&D jobs overseas, along with other indicators, suggests that the capabilities of Asian countries are strong enough to accommodate such a rapid shift," said Rolf Lehming, NSF's program director for the report. "The policies of Asian governments appear to be paying off for them, and U.S. companies seem to be confident in the quality of R&D work done abroad."

The relative shift of R&D to Asia also can be seen in overall expenditures. The United States still does more R&D than any other single country, spending $400 billion in 2009. But, for the first time, the Asian region has nearly matched the United States, with R&D expenditures of $399 billion.

Reversed Positions on High-tech Trade

Recent trends also are reflected in the dramatic change in shares of global high-tech exports. After growing from 19 percent to 22 percent between 1995 and 1998, by 2010 the United States' share of the global high-tech exports had dropped to 15 percent. At the same time, China's share nearly quadrupled, growing from 6 percent in 1995 to 22 percent in 2010. 

Asia now produces more than half of all high-tech goods exports worldwide, while the United States and European Union countries each produce 15 percent. During the 15-year period from 1995 to 2010, Japan's share fell from 19 percent to 7 percent.

Until 1997, the United States enjoyed surpluses in trade of high-tech goods. But by 2010, those surpluses had turned into large annual trade deficits of nearly $100 billion, largely driven by the shift in production of communications and computer goods to Asia at a time of growing U.S. demand. At the same time, China's 2010 high-tech trade surpluses reached $157 billion, while eight Asian countries (excluding China and Japan) collectively enjoyed trade surpluses of $226 billion.

Prepared biennially for the president and Congress, the comprehensive, 575-page Science and Engineering Indicators 2012 reportprovides information on the scope, quality and vitality of

America's science and engineering enterprise. It is a policy-neutral document, providing facts widely used by policy makers, federal agencies, researchers and the news media.

Other key findings in the report include:

·         --Three countries-the United States, China and Japan-were responsible for more than half of the world's $1.28 trillion in R&D spending in 2009. (China overtook Japan during the last decade to become the second-largest R&D-performing nation.)

--Between 1999 and 2009, the
United States' share of R&D dropped from 38 percent to 31 percent; the EU's share declined from 27 percent to 23 percent; and the Asian region grew from 24 percent to 32 percent. 

 --Many Asian countries have increased their investment in R&D relative to their GDP, with China almost tripling its R&D/GDP ratio since 1996. The United States' R&D/GDP ratio recently has edged upward, while that of the EU has remained steady.

--The developed world's lead in higher education has declined dramatically. In 2008, only 4 percent of the world's engineering degrees were earned in the
United States, while 56 percent were awarded in Asia, including one-third in China.

--The number of natural sciences and engineering doctorates awarded by Chinese universities has more than tripled since 2000. At 26,000 awarded in 2008, the number of these Chinese doctorates now exceeds the number earned in the United States. And, unlike in China, a large share of these U.S. doctoral degrees are awarded to foreign students. In 2009, 44 percent of the 24,700 U.S. natural sciences and engineering doctorates were awarded to temporary visa holders. Some 57 percent of engineering doctorates were awarded to foreign students.

--American industry, which historically has supported about 60 percent of U.S. R&D, reduced R&D funding by nearly 4 percent in 2009. (A rise in U.S. government R&D funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act partially offset the private-sector reduction.)

--Job losses from the 2007-2009 recession were less severe for science and engineering workers than for the
U.S. workforce as a whole. In 2010, the median income for workers in science and engineering jobs ($73,290) was more than double the median income of all U.S. workers ($33,840).

SEI is prepared by NSF's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) on behalf of the National Science Board. The publication is subject to extensive review by outside experts, other federal agencies, National Science Board members and NCSES internal reviewers.


On Saturday, Aneesh Chopra, the Chief Technology Officer of the United States, posted the following in his White House blog:

Insourcing American Jobs: The Importance of "Smart" Manufacturing, Broadband, and IT

Posted by Aneesh Chopra on January 14, 2012 at 02:00 PM EST

On Wednesday, President Obama hosted a forum at the White House focused on the increasing number of companies choosing to "insource" jobs and make new investments in the United States. An important factor in this trend is the rising importance of information technology.

Take Master Lock, for example:  CEO John Heppner noted that the company not only brought back 100 overseas manufacturing jobs to its Milwaukee facility, but is now also exporting products to China. Master Lock credits its success with heavy investments in automation, which enabled skilled union labor to compete successfully with labor-intensive approaches overseas.  Thanks to companies like Rockwell Automation, Smart Manufacturing is rapidly transforming the global competitive landscape by marrying industrial automation with information technology (IT) to optimize the efficiency, productivity, and output of plants and supply networks.  Equally important, smart manufacturing at companies like Master Lock typically require three to four times the number of indirect jobs to support them-in the case of Master Lock, an additional 300 to 400 new jobs.  That's because smart factories typically use more non-manufacturing, service-sector and technical support and logistics to support increased productivity.

Another example is Arise Virtual Solutions, which engagesworkers for call centers: CEO Angela Selden noted her plans to attractan additional 10,000 agents this year.And she's not alone - a coalition of contact center companies joined FCC Chairman Genachowski to pledge to hire an additional 100,000 workers over the next two years. Critical to scale these businessesis the prevalence of residential high-speed broadband.

Yet another example is GalaxE Solutions:  CEO Tim Bryan shared his story about bringing IT jobs back to the United States and helping to revitalize an iconic American city by working to transform Downtown Detroit into a healthcare IT hub. GalaxE acquired three floors of a barely occupied downtown high-rise with its "Outsource to Detroit" campaign, matched by its commitment to hire 500 IT professionals within five years. And the company is on track, with more than 120 jobs filled and an additional 200 openings.

GalaxE isn't alone; there were an estimated 3,400 posted IT positions in the greater Detroit market as of October 2011. An American city known for technological innovation coupled with affordable real estate, a large network of research universities and community colleges, and a highly skilled workforce, Detroit is an attractive and a viable destination for IT work, as are a growing number of other communities throughout the country.

We are a bit more excited about Detroit's success given its participation in the White House Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) initiative. OSTP has a front row seat as we've been working with employers in Detroit to develop IT skills training courses at local community colleges to fill thousands of job openings in this sector. Stay tuned.

Aneesh Chopra is U.S. Chief Technology Officer


It isn't all about money, folks. It is about corporate good citizenship, and governmental good stewardship.

Companies whose headquarters are based in the USA, or companies whose major operations centers are here, should be practicing corporate good citizenship toward the USA, as well as their own countries. Few are. Rockwell, Emerson, Honeywell, Siemens, ABB-- these are the most notable in our industry for going above and beyond in the United States.

Please start encouraging your company to become a corporate good citizen and bring High Technology jobs back to the USA, and bring High Technology education back too.

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