Loop Control

Loop Control

A complex DCS quandary

How PID loops were enhanced, and why it’s beneficial but confusing
Loop Control

Deadtime compensation opportunities and realities

The benefits of implementing controller integral action by using filtered, positive feedback
Loop Control

Ensuring the right controller is in charge

Taking a by-the-numbers look to override control and external reset feedback
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Control Talk Column

The unrecognized challenges of process control

Some challenges of the past are possibly even more problematic today
Loop Control

Use first-principles techniques to get FOPDT coefficient values

Compared with empirical methods, a first-principles approach can save time and money, plus boost process understanding
Loop Control

To cascade or not to cascade?

Sometimes it makes sense to spring for a feedforward approach
Loop Control

The concealed PID revealed, part 2

Five key informational objectives of the ISA 5.9 technical report
Loop Control

The concealed PID revealed, part 1

ISA committee 5.9 aims to clarify and promote PID capability with technical report
Loop Control

Do your control loops play nice?

A position controller can tame conflicts among multiple variables

Variations in the PID algorithm

Care is needed, as the same vocabulary may imply different mathematics
Industrial Computers

Product roundup: Controllers and computers share the road

Innovative accessories and connections everywhere enable control anywhere