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Process sensor issues continue to be ignored and are placing the country at extreme risk
A recent NERC Lessons Learned event discussed a 2019 event where a combined cycle power plant in Florida suffered significant load oscillations because a sensor provided erroneous input to the steam turbine controller. The controller reacted by cycling the turbine resulting in 200MW load swings (see Max 737 plane crashes). These oscillations caused a 0.25Hz impact on the entire Eastern Interconnect and resulted in a 50 MW load swing in New England (local failure affects entire interconnected systems similar to Colonial Pipelines). Like the 2008 Florida outage, there was no mention of the event being a cyber incident. There is no cyber security, authentication, or cyber logging in the sensor. Moreover, process sensors are out-of-scope for the NERC CIPs and NERC Supply Chain issues. The lack of process sensor authentication is also key to being able to address the Chinese transformers with hardware backdoors.