The market for analog loop controllers has been declining for years. Replaced by the digital loop controller, the more modern microprocessor-based, single-loop and multi-loop controllers offer far more features and functionality than the older on/off controllers. Whether used in the home or in sophisticated factory controls, the new digital loop controllers offer communications, alarms, displays, setup/installation/commissioning, PID control, safety, wireless, Ethernet and small size.
According to a market research study by Venture Development Corporation ( titled “Industrial Electronic Temperature Controllers: Global Market Demand Analysis, Ninth Edition,” some users have difficulties in configuring, programming and setting up temperature controllers, specifically. “Increased functionality is not valuable to users unless the controllers remain easy to understand, configure/setup and use.”
Suggestions from users included menu-driven-based programming and flowchart manuals; intuitive configuration; and print manual with actual examples of hardware and software solutions.”
Most suppliers have followed their customers’ lead and are now producing loop controllers that incorporate many of these features, such as the products shown in this roundup.